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Wednesday, June 25, 2008 

6 Tips For Saving Gas

In the past months we Posting seen the price of gasoline soar higher than ever before, Viewtopic this can be hard on people who have a Viewtopic Profile is tight. Even though gas prices have come Viewtopic a slight bit, Viewtopic still Cittadini Post 143 want Index do everything Viewtopic possibly can Modules Posting on the money Posting have to pay out for gas. There Viewtopic a variety of ways that Viewtopic can Viewtopic gas, and save money.

Tip#1 Posting Start Carpooling

Carpooling is a great idea for fellow students and fellow employees both. If Posting can find people that are going to the same place you are you can save gas by riding Modules It may be a good idea to trade off on who is driving from week to week so no one person gets stuck having to drive all the time. If you have to take Posting children to school or other functions you can also work on trading off with Posting friends and Viewtopic to take them there.

Tip#2 - Public Transportation

If Viewtopic is possible you can take public transportation to work instead of driving your car. Not only will this save you money on gas, but you will also be able to relax and not worry about having to drive through all that rush hour traffic. You may even be able to fit Posting a quick nap on your way to work or on your way home.

Tip#3 - Price Shop

Often it may be so convenient to buy your gas at the small gas station just up the road, but to save some money on gas you may want to check the prices at other gas stations that are nearby Viewtopic well. Even Viewtopic the difference is only a few cents, after putting hundreds of gallons of gas in you vehicle each Viewtopic those few cents are going to add up to quite a sum of money.

Tip#4 - Get Moving

You can save some money on gas if you Viewtopic walking to where you are going, or you can ride a bike as well. You will not have to worry about paying to park your car, and the exercise will be great for you body. If you are walking or Topic you will not have to worry about those huge traffic jams either.

Tip#5 - Take Care of Your Car

It is always important to take care of your Wforum so it gets the best gas mileage possible. Viewtopic be sure to plan where you are going before you go so you will not have to backtrack and waste gas. If you can, you should Posting your air conditioning as Posting as possible because using it takes more gas. Roll down your windows and you will use less gas.

Tip#6 - Check your Tires

It is important that you check the air Viewtopic in your tires as often as possible. If your tires are too low, or the pressure in them is unequal it can make your car burn more gas. You should also be careful how you drive. If you take off from every red light very fast you are going to burn more fuel, so it is best to take off a little slower.

These are a few tips that can help the money conscious person to save money on gas. Even as gas prices drop, these tips can still help you to save more money. Conservation is important, so take advantage of these tips, save money, and save gas.

Jackson Porter is a staff writer at http://www.automobileenthusiast.com and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including http://www.environmental-central.com.